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Strengthening financial cyber security.

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What is TIBER?

TIBER stands for Threat Intelligence-Based Ethical Red Teaming, and has gained importance as a proactive and collaborative approach to cyber security, helping organizations in the financial sector stay ahead of evolving cyber threats and protect critical assets.

The TIBER-DK is the Danish implementation of the TIBER-EU, a European framework developed by the ECB. It offers a controlled, tailored, threat intelligence-led red team test for an organization’s critical live production systems.

These tests simulate the tactics, techniques, and procedures of real-world threat actors identified through threat intelligence as genuine threats to organizations.

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The TIBER framework has clearly defined standards and objectives.

Enhanced cyber resilience

To help organisations strengthen their ability to withstand realistic threats .

Targeted defense improvements

To provide specific insights into potential real-world attacks and implement measures to counters these threats effectively.

Comprehensive Cyber Defence assessments

TIBER allows us to audit systems, networks, technology, processes, and roles, ensuring a thorough examination of an organisation's cyber security posture.

Shared learning for collective defense

TIBER promotes a collaborative approach to cyber security. By sharing knowledge and experiences among participating organisations, it strengthens the overall cyber security posture of the financial sector, reducing the risk of systemic cyber incidents.

Enhanced cyber resilience

To help organisations strengthen their ability to withstand realistic threats.

Targeted defense improvements

To provides specific insights into potential real-world attacks and implement measures to counters these threats effectively.
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Comprehensive Cyber Defense assessments

TIBER allows us to audit systems, networks, technology, processes, and roles, ensuring a thorough examination of an organisation’s cyber security posture.

Shared learning for collective defense

TIBER promotes a collaborative approach to cyber security. By sharing knowledge and experiences among participating organisations, it strengthens the overall cyber security posture of the financial sector, reducing the risk of systemic cyber incidents.

Phases of TIBER Testing

TIBER testing

The TIBER process, while appearing linear, has intricate non-linear interactions within each phase. The framework combines the TI and RT interactions as a collaborative testing phase running concurrently. The process is expected to span 23 to 27 weeks excluding TI/RT service provider procurement.

We test your security posture and operating model, providing insight and clarity around your ability to reliably prevent attacks and also detect and implement a response.

By working with us, your TIBER test will provide you with this insight and unparalleled levels of value to all of the stakeholders involved – answering the question ‘how vulnerable are we?’.

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An independent service to monitor any data that can be used to target your organization. Minimize the risk by letting us keep track.

Government agencies are increasingly mandating cyber security assessments to ensure financial institutions are adequately prepared for cyber threats. Compliance with these requirements is essential to avoid legal and financial consequences.

Maintaining public trust is vital for financial institutions. Demonstrating a commitment to robust cyber security through TIBER testing can reassure customers and stakeholders that their data and assets are secure.


TIBER Implementation guide

TIBER Scope specification

TIBER Test Process Overview

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Our Services

Modern and decisively focused, our services are powered by an elite team of cyber security experts.

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Reach Out

Our mission is to help companies prevent, detect and respond to breaches, and help secure their data. We offer honest, straightforward advice, and guide you to a more secure company.

Reach Out

Our mission is to help companies detect, respond and secure their data. We offer honest, straightforward advice, and guide you to a more secure company.
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